I was browsing the internet earlier, looking for something to write about. That morning, as I was berating myself for my apparent lack of creative thinking, I came across an interesting article that looked into customer reviews of naked girls in the industry. The girls they chose did not paint the industry well, with terms like “pump and dump” being used. Although this article was obvious, it raised a fascinating question in my mind: “Is it right for customers to review naked girls?”
Our Rules
As you can see, naked girls will only be rated if you want to choose this option. You can unsubscribe from reviews anytime, and you don’t have to leave an explicit review if you don’t want to. This means you don’t have to deal with customers writing “nasty” posts about themselves if they don’t like the idea. Lots of people do that, but it’s a personal matter.
Even if it’s a negative review, the tone should be respectful. Using offensive language or calling people names is not allowed. The writer should be able to get their point across without sounding like a Jeremy Kyle-like-minded post.
Benefits of reviews
And yet, we allow customers to rate naked girls, which have angered some people in anti-sex activist groups. Why do this? Well, it’s what many naked girls want.
It turns out those naked girls who choose the naked girls rating system are using it in much the same way that they believe they have the best qualities, and they want the fact that they are of the highest quality to be conveyed to people who review their profile. Customers can’t know if a naked girl is as good as advertised without good reviews. Of course, this is not a good idea for nude girls who think they are the best since they are only a part of the leading group.
Reviews are also suitable for buyers. I don’t know about you, but my partner only books a hotel after reading the reviews. So, I can understand why many customers would not book a nude girl if there was no excellent feedback from previous customers. A naked girl rating system allows customers to see who the best naked girls are or to see up-and-coming newcomers who are building their reputation, which helps them decide whether to answer the phone or not.
Good if done right
After all, a nude girl rating system is a good thing if done right and monitored. A system where customers are allowed to call naked girls degrading names and talk about them as if they are less than a piece of meat is never acceptable But a properly structured system where naked girls opt in would be a real help to both naked girls and customers.
Naked girls should not feel forced to accept reviews. There are plenty of successful people out there without them. You should only do what you are comfortable doing. The desires of naked girls must always come first; they should be able to decide what details to share, if any; this should be the basis of any rating system.